If the world cut greenhouse gas emissions by 50% tomorrow what would happen?
Would the pace of climate change slow or accelerate?
Would the pace of climate change slow or accelerate?
Societies have been unable to respond to climate change because the dominant worldview of the majority has become stuck within a false reality.
To understand why small changes in the average global temperature matter we need to look at the last 65 million years.
Humanity is entering a period of turmoil because of climate change. What is happening and what can you do?
It’s easy to get confused about climate change when the endless headlines are as numbing as the endless inter-governmental meetings. What’s the real story?
There are almost no useful market-based solutions to global warming because there is no profit in doing what’s necessary.
For years, societies have been seeking a way to fix the climate problem without restricting economic development. Now they have the answer. Set the forests and parks ablaze.
It seems obvious. Put a price on carbon and ka-pow! the market will solve the climate problem. As the price rises, demand will fall. But this approach doesn’t work
For several months I’ve been trying to monetise my kisses. To me, this seems perfectly reasonable. Demand for them in my house is high and there are maintenance costs to consider. I want cash for kisses.
Capitalism is based on one very simple idea. With a warming planet that’s a huge problem
How the free-market addled your brain, and why it can’t fix climate change
A leader in the Financial Times says it is time to stop “demonising fossil fuels”. The arguments are compelling, but wrong.
Just as you can’t offset a 20-a-day smoking habit with 20 minutes on a treadmill, you can’t cancel 40+ Gt of CO2 emissions each year by planting a few saplings next week.
Climate change will make long term property investments increasingly risky in many parts of the world. Prices will become more volatile and much harder to predict.
Economic growth doesn’t create jobs and environmental limits are closer than you think. Two short articles from the 40 wrong-beliefs series.
Many people think that eating less meat, buying an electric vehicle and recycling will slow the pace of climate change. It won’t.